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Guidelines for Responsible Use of Technology

Adopted by Academic Council May 2016

University Prep community members are expected to act in accordance with the school’s Mission Statement and Values. The use of electronic devices as well as information and material accessed on the U Prep network should be in keeping with school values: Respect, Responsibility and Integrity. The school uses technology resources and a personal device program in order to create richer learning experiences both in class and through extracurricular programs. Practicing good digital citizenship and responsible use and care of personal technology is everyone’s responsibility in the community, and this policy outlines University Prep’s view of responsible technology use.

Responsible Technology Users Are Thoughtful and Intentional

  • … maintaining focus on their task and environment. They don’t let technology interfere with face-to-face social interactions or conversations. They manage their own habits around technology use, and turn devices off or redirect their attention away from the screen when appropriate.
  • … knowing how online communication can be received differently than face-to-face conversations. They think about how a message might be misunderstood before sending or posting, and understand that information posted online can last for a long time. They understand that there are different etiquette and expectations for different media; while casual communication is fine in many circumstances, academic e-mail and postings should be proofread for tone and content.
  • … regarding the ways in which technology reflects culture, and how they use technology in a school setting. They first and foremost “do no harm,” and understand the effects that applications such as First-Person-Shooter games or websites with violent, explicit, or hurtful content can have in a learning environment.
  • … respecting all community members’ right to privacy and the importance of consent. They ask permission before taking pictures, audio or video of people, and before sharing that media.

Responsible Technology Users Use Information Critically

  • … evaluating the information they find online. They look for things such as bias, reliability, timeliness and credibility.
  • … understanding and respecting intellectual property, copyright and Fair Use.
  • … citing the sources of information, media or resources that they find online.

Responsible Technology Users Communicate

  • … respecting appropriate boundaries. Students and staff may follow each other on public networks, but not in private or closed networks until the student has graduated high school.
  • … by checking and responding to their University Prep e-mail daily.
  • … through University Prep accounts for school purposes, using University Prep e-mail, Schoology, and school social media accounts when appropriate. Personal and school accounts are each used in a responsible, reasonable way. Faculty-student communication is through a school-managed system.
  • … displaying respect, responsibility and integrity in all cases, understanding that our community expectations and values extend beyond the University Prep network and campus.
  • … while being aware of their digital footprint and how the information and material linked to their accounts may be available online to future colleges, employers or social connections.

Responsible Technology Users Manage and Care for their Devices and Data

  • … by having an active backup that archives the data on their device on a regular basis.
  • … by having an active anti-virus program as appropriate and updating it to keep the security current.
  • … keeping software and hardware in good working and safe condition.
  • … maintaining a system of organization for files and digital information.
  • … as well as those owned by the school and other community members. They do not touch other users’ devices or accounts without permission. They do not send data or messages which damage other devices or the U Prep network.
  • … practicing good password management and account security. They maintain and protect strong passwords and do not give access to their accounts to other people.