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In Middle School, families receive regular feedback about the academic progress of their student. Teachers and advisors prepare multiple reports over the course of the year.

  • Each teacher completes a course-specific checklist of objectives, marking an individual student’s progress for each objective at the end of every quarter.
  • At the end of the first and third quarters, teachers write narrative comments to further describe a student's progress on the course objectives.
  • Midway through each semester, advisors assist students in the process of reviewing and reflecting on the narrative comments on their progress reports in the prior quarter and setting goals for the next quarter at student-led conferences attended by parents/guardians and advisors. 

We use a nontraditional formative grading system instead of a traditional letter-grade system to help students break down their learning into component parts, assess progress toward mastery, and communicate about their academic progress. The following guidelines are used in assigning grades on the Middle School report cards at the end of the quarters and semesters:

Report Card Grade Guidelines

E = Exceeds: Student exceeds grade-level understanding of standard when working independently. Student can make in-depth applications of standard beyond grade-level expectations. 

M = Meets: Student is able to demonstrate mastery of standard when working independently. Student makes no major errors or omissions when working independently. 

W = Working Towards: Student is able to demonstrate mastery of standard with assistance from the teacher. When working independently, student makes errors or omissions in their work.

N = Needs Improvement: Student is not able to demonstrate mastery of standard, even with assistance from the teacher. When working with assistance, the student makes errors or omissions in their work.