UPrep students Juliana B., August P., Maddie T., René Q, Isaac M., Owen D., Hana H., and Fiachra B. (pictured above, from top, by row left to right; not pictured: Pascale C.) are being recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Organization.
Congratulations to seniors who are being recognized for their PSAT scores
Earlier this month, the College Board informed UPrep that nine of our seniors are being recognized as either a National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalist, National Merit Commended Scholars, or National Recognition Program Scholars. Isaac M. is a National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalist, meaning he is one of 16,000 students nationwide who earned the highest scores on the 2022 PSAT, a standardized national test administered by the College Board and cosponsored by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Six students are being honored as National Merit Commended Scholars: Fiachra B., Juliana B., Pascale C., Owen D., August P., and Maddie T. These students scored in the top five percent of all PSAT test takers nationwide. Two students are being honored as National Recognition Scholars: Hana H. and René Q. The National Recognition Program celebrates the academic achievements of students who identify as African American or Black, Hispanic American or Latinx, or Indigenous. To qualify, students need a 3.5 GPA and a PSAT score in the top 10 percent in their state.
Here’s what these awards mean to some of the students:
“I was delighted and honored to have received this award. It's a great boost to help me feel motivated during the college application season. I truly appreciate the support of my teachers and advisors, without whom I could not have achieved this accomplishment. I’m so grateful to my parents for always encouraging me to do my best.” –Fiachra B., National Merit Commended Scholar
“I am so honored to have received this recognition. Standardized testing has always been stressful for me, so receiving an award for my test performance is quite fulfilling. I’m so grateful to my parents and my brother for the endless support they’ve provided me throughout the college testing and application process.” –Juliana B., National Merit Commended Scholar
“I took the PSAT during my semester away in the Netherlands, so I am relieved that my semester away didn't hinder my chance at receiving the recognition. I really appreciate the support Kelly, my college counselor and advisor, has given me. It makes me feel more confident for college applications.” –Pascale C., National Merit Commended Scholar
I am honored to win this award and I am proud that my hard work has paid off. I prepared by going to the PSAT workshops that UPrep had and by taking some practice tests. I didn’t make becoming a semifinalist into a goal, but I’m still happy that I was able to do well enough on the PSAT.” –Isaac M., National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalist
“When I learned I was recognized on the national level for my merit, it made me smile. I am not sure exactly what this recognition is a representation of, whether it is how I strive in school or my wonderful family who brought me up. Either way, I am thankful for this recognition, and thankful for everyone who has made me better throughout my life.” –August P., National Merit Commended Scholar
“A special thanks to my family, friends, and teachers at UPrep who’ve supported and helped me grow as a learner. I would not have achieved this honor without them.” –René Q., National Recognition Scholars
“Thank you to all of my family, teachers, and friends; I'm so appreciative of your support.” –Maddie T., National Merit Commended Scholar
By Associate Director of College Counseling Britten Nelson