Student Leadership
Leadership is knowing what your team needs and being there to help them. This could be in big or small ways, but ultimately, it's knowing what and how things need to be done." –Upper School student
At UPrep, we see, support, and strengthen the leadership potential in each student. Leadership is not about a title. Our Pumas are offered a range of opportunities to find their voice, their passions, and their purpose during a shared journey of joyful self-discovery.
Leadership is not about authority or titles; it is about empowering others, nurturing their potential, and leading by example. Each one of our students holds the capacity to be a leader." –Director of Athletics Rebecca Moe
Middle School
Middle School student leadership is about exploration. Whether it’s in the classroom, on the athletic field, on the stage, or in the Makerspace, our Middle School Pumas are asked to explore everything in order to learn one thing: they can achieve anything.
One of the opportunities for leadership growth is through our student government, the Associated Student Body. Each year, a new slate of elected officers is chosen by the students. Over the course of their tenure, they learn about the components of leadership by grappling with real issues. By partnering with the assistant head of Middle School, these students learn what living UPrep's mission, vision and values truly means.
Upper School
In the Upper School, student leadership takes many forms. Our faculty encourage each student to find a way to use their voice to guide their peers.
Students may be LEAD facilitators or club leaders, run for office in our Associated Student Body, participate in the Community Ethics and Culture Council, Academic Council, or Mental Health Advisory Board.
The UPrep Summer Leadership Conference is a fantastic opportunity for our students to focus on the areas they wish to contribute to, be it student life, academics, athletics, or the arts.
Learn about our Annual Upper School Student Leadership Conference